2 and a half hours of painting from a real model... I would have died 10 times already in that time, absolutely incredible.
2 and a half hours of painting from a real model... I would have died 10 times already in that time, absolutely incredible.
I really enjoyed making it. Drawing live models is always a challenge. This was especially a difficult challenge because of her unexpected outfit. I wish I had more time to have finished her fishnets.
I really appreciate your comment. Thank you.
Who you gonna call?
my mommy
*Boss battle music*
I’d imagine it’s an elephant sized creature
I didn't even know such a wargame existed, but it looks impossibly cool.
It's allot of fun and the rules are free! :D
also cheap to get into, so it's the only wargame I actually have a physical army for.
Purely in theory, this could be a cool wargame. :D
Fungal Warfare :) That would be awesome.
I make bad painting’s with my stupid brain.
I don’t give a sh*t :D
I’m make bad art!
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Joined on 7/15/21